Mission And Vision

Brandi Ayaan Beckett, a woman on a mission! But not just any woman and not just any mission…

Brandi is openly a transgender woman and ardent transgender activist on a mission to change the way we view and think about gender identity and gender-assignment!

Through public speaking engagements, social-media appearances, and transgender awareness training courses, her focus is to educate people about culturally constructed gender identity and gender expression, and why some people do NOT fit into a binary gender-assigned labeling system; and Brandi strives to reassure people that everyone fits and belongs on a spectrum of gender identity and gender expression.

 Brandi is driven and highly motivated to help educate the general public on why transgender people should have, and deserve, RIGHTS within our society that have always been inscribed within, and held firmly by, our founding and forming principles of these United States of America; rights such as, the right to exist and to participate within our society with the equality and normality that is allotted and systemically granted to other American Citizen. Brandi will steadfastly and earnestly fight for transgender rights until, socially and systemically, transgender people are pulled from the margins of society and openly welcomed into the folds of acceptance, equality, and normality within our society.  

Transgender people = people. Transgender Americans = Americans. Transgender American people = American people. All American people should have, and deserve, to freely and without predigests claim their right to pursue happiness, their right of equality, and their right of normality. Being American comes with rights, and being transgender does not take anything away from those American rights, so therefore, being an American transgender person comes with RIGHTS!

Not everyone fits into a gender-assigned box, and not everyone belongs in the box assigned to them at birth. Brandi fits nicely in our society’s construct of gender-assigned box “B”, and she is fine with that, but she also recognizes that she is very privileged to fit into that box. Moving her gender-expression and gender-performance from gender-assigned box “A” to gender-assigned box “B” is her transition, or why she uses the label transgender woman. Brandi Beckett will continue to fight for transgender rights, and to educate people about those rights, by using cognitive tools such as empathetic understanding, sound logical reasoning, and compellingly informative storytelling.

Brandi’s most prominent goal, and hopefully one of your goals, is that one day, transgender, and non-cis people, will be treated by society in the way they should be treated, you know, like people!