Brandi Beckett is a 50-year-old non-cis transgender woman, a dynamic activist, and an inspiring public speaker. Brandi’s activism and speaking engagements focus on education through humane empathy, sound logic, and valid reasoning, while telling entertaining stories about her interesting journeys; and she always has insightful points of view on transgender movements and rights. Brandi’s Journey of self-discovery is a fascinating story of stepping outside of one’s comfort zone to find one’s true self; and the passion in which she says that story will keep you entertained and enthralled throughout that real-life journey.

In 1972, Brandi was assigned a gender by her parents, a doctor, a hospital staff, and the county of San Bernadino California, and that gender was box “A”. Brandi grew up in the Mojave Desert part of California where a sibling and her parents still reside. Although she was a good athlete as a child, she was a terrible student who physically dropped out of high school by the age of seventeen, but her childhood self-loathing and confusion of why she was so uncomfortable in her own skin, prompted her to mentally dropout around 8th grade.

In 2012, Brandi started a journey of self-exploration based on two fundamental principles: one, to ask herself earnest and ardent questions about herself, and two, to always answer those questions with sincerity and brutal-honesty, and to use the best epistemological tools within her grasp to get to those truths. At the start of this journey, her epistemological tool belt was quite anemic and held together with fallacious fabric, but soon she learned basic critical thinking skills and how logical structure of argument works. By 2013, Brandi had resigned from the Department of Defense and challenged herself to go back to school. After completing just one semester at Hillsborough Community College, she was accepted into their Honors Institute program and was awarded a Presidential scholarship; by the time she graduated from H.C.C. with her Associate of Arts Degree, she had received multiple national recognitions for her academic achievements, and Brandi earned a full-ride scholarship to Mount Holyoke College.

In 2018, Brandi became one of the first pioneering transgender women to graduate from an ivy-league all-women’s college. Brandi has been a featured speaker at a College Lecture series, large conferences, and small gatherings across New England and throughout the United States. Her thesis project of studying archaic hominins through 3-D printing has been turned into a featured class taught at Mount Holyoke College, and she has done extensive research work on the first people of the Americas.

Before studying anthropology at Mount Holyoke College, Brandi worked for the DoD at a Marine Base for more than 12 years. She worked in the meat-departments of grocery stores for more than a decade. In addition to decades of labor in the workforce, she has spent more than ten years coaching youth sports. Brandi has coached numerous championship teams across several sports including little-league baseball teams that have won city, district, and reginal championships. As a child, she played multiple sports and excelled at many of them. Brandi was an all-star baseball player and fierce wrestler during her teenage years, and as a person in her fifties, she continues to actively compete in cycling races, and she is an avid pool player. In the past few years, Brandi has competed in pool tournaments across the Eastern Seaboard, and at the Massachusetts Senior Games in 2021, she won 3 gold medals in women’s cycling, and in 2023, she won an additional 3 gold medals.

Today, Brandi is happily married, and she and her husband, Craig, live in a progressive but quaint little town in Western Massachusetts. She is a dynamic speaker and empathetic activist who enjoys sharing her story with the hopes of bending the wall of ignorance and hate that block so many people from accepting and loving transgender and non-cis people.